Posts Tagged ‘psychosis’

Theological Discussion of Satan and Evil on The O’Reilly Factor Exemplifies Need for Promotion of Ponerology’s Scientific Approach

Wednesday, March 27th, 2013

Ponerology is defined as the scientific study of that which is called “evil.” The reason that we explicitly specify “scientific” is to distinguish it from other approaches to considering evil, such as:

  • The philosophical approach – Considering evil abstractly, rather than in its real-world implications
  • The artistic approach – Considering evil through literature, painting, poetry and so on
  • The theological approach – Considering evil as potentially emanating from the supernatural realm

This last approach, the theological one, is extremely commonly employed in our present world. It may actually remain the most common approach to evil. And it was on display last week during a segment of The O’Reilly Factor. (more…)

Should Kids Learn about Ponerology in School?

Monday, March 11th, 2013

In my original writings about ponerology, I briefly mentioned its implications for our educational systems. In addition to asserting the importance of preventing pathological people from exerting undue influence to bias curricula or personnel decisions, I said that we should decide how to include age-appropriate lessons about ponerologic material.

Apparently someone agrees.

Months ago, I was reading an article on called “Grants Help Abused Women Start Over” by Danielle Berger. The article tells the story of Johanna Crawford, who runs a nonprofit called Web of Benefit that provides “Self-Sufficiency Grants” averaging $500 to female domestic violence survivors in Boston and Chicago to help them with the bare necessities of re-starting their lives. The “web” in the name emerges from a novel part of the program whereby, as part of the terms of their grant, recipients must “pay it forward” by performing three good works to help other survivors like themselves.

What caught my attention was a discussion that broke out in the comments section. It centered around whether the signs of abusive relationships should be taught in schools. And in the midst of this, one comment in particular jumped out at me so strongly that I immediately took a screenshot:

Comment Calling for High School Education on Cluster B Personality Disorders (more…)